Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sorting out Bush, Iraq, Iran

In the last few months, it have been possible for me to compose respective columns about hopeful marks in Iraq. Our ain casualty Numbers are down, and so are those of the Iraqis.

Many grounds are advanced for this good news, and studies from the scene have got explored them all. First is the "surge" inch American troops, giving a higher American profile in Bagdad vicinities than we have got ever had, vindicating President Bush's insisting on this tactic.

Another ground cited is the over-reaching by al-Qaida in Republic Of Iraq and their cruel homicides of civilians. Eventually, even the Sunnite leadership had had enough and began supporting the "occupiers" who, a few hebdomads earlier, they had been killing.

Reason No. Three is aluminum Sadr's determination to tell his Shiite reserves to stand up down, taking 60,000 potentiality slayers off the streets of Baghdad.

One more than than reason, the grimmest of all, was that after the years-long orgy of blood-letting, there were simply no more immature Iraki work force left to murder.

Whatever the reasons, the lowering of casualty listings and getting the Republic Of Iraq warfare off the presence pages of the newspapers came on Saint George Bush's ticker so he acquires recognition for it, just as acquires the duty for starting the warfare in the first place.

The autumn season, in fact, seemed to be going well for the President. In improver to relative quiet in Iraq, he have been able to utilize the new Democratic United States Congress as a snappy boy. It looks he have got been successful in casting them as "do-nothing," in malice of the fact that Democrats make not have the Numbers to overrule his veto or the senatorial "super-majority."

The President's root cell place was bolstered when men of science seemed to happen a replacement for embryonal root cells for experiments.

Finally, the President was able to raise the apparition of a new menace more unsafe than Republic Of Iraq was in 2003, according to his ain pronouncements. This clip it was our old antagonist Iran. On October 17th, President Shrub went farther than he had since standing in presence of the "Mission Accomplished" streamer in 2003. He actually implied that the atomic menace from Islamic Republic Of Iran mightiness precipitate "World War III."

One might believe that past experience would take the President to utilize more than temperate language, but what's done is done. All of which takes us to the one-two poke that have once again left the President and his disposal reeling.

National Intelligence Estimates are of import to any administration. They are a digest of the best grounds gathered by all the intelligence federal agencies available to the government.

They were used by the Shrub disposal in the run-up to the Republic Of Iraq war. In that case, they were spectacularly wrong. As recently as 2005, the N.I.E. had great assurance that Islamic Republic Of Iran was actively pursuing a atomic bomb. It was that information that led President Shrub and Frailty President Cheney to project Islamic Republic Of Iran as an at hand menace to our security.

Then the bombshell landed among us. Whatever atomic programme Islamic Republic Of Iran had, said the new estimate, it had ended in 2003. They didn't state "suspended," they said "halted." One must give the writers of the N.I.E. points for courageousness in handing that unrecorded grenade to the President.

It is also just to listen to the protagonists of the President who ask, "Why should we believe this appraisal if the former 1s were wrong?" Excellent point, except it then implores the inquiry of why the President should trust on any intelligence at all when courting mortally unsafe confrontation with other nations?

Strike two came when we heard that the Central Intelligence Agency had destroyed tapes that definitely shown their question techniques when questioning panic suspects. In my view, this volition bend out to be the more than annihilating blow to the to the disposal and, perhaps, the President personally. He have said, "We don't torture." Here was his opportunity to turn out it, but the grounds is gone, joining the spread in the Richard Nixon audiotape in the annals of political disasters.

These failures are not just the President's. They are ours, too, because we must dwell with the consequences. So far, only coal and ashes in our stocking this Christmas.

E-mails sent to Post editorialist Dent Clooney at volition be forwarded to him via regular mail.

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