Monday, October 6, 2008

Liberal Distortion

Why Bashes Barack Obama Continue To Falsify His Own Record, As Well As
John McCain's? Obama Distorts Own Record WASHINGTON, April 25 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The followers was
issued today by the Republican National Committee: Today, Obama Claimed That The National Journal's Evaluation System
Inaccurately Labeled Him The Most Broad Senator In 2007: Obama: "[T]hey Selected 10 Votes Out Of The Many Hundreds That I've
Cast." (Greg Sargent, "Obama: National Diary Evaluation Of Me As 'Number One
Liberal' Is Bogus," Talking Points Memo's "Election Central" Blog,
rnal_rating.php), 4/25/08) NOTE: "Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., Was The Most Broad Senator In 2007,
According To National Journal's 27th Annual Vote Ratings." (National
Journal Website, "National Journal's 2007 Vote Rankings," (),
1/31/08) Obama Tried To Falsify The Commanding By Saying They Only Rated Him On Ten
Senate Votes When They Actually Rated Him On Ninety-Nine: "[I]n The 2007 Ratings, A Computer-Assisted Analysis... Used 99 Key
Senate Votes, Selected By New Jersey [National Journal] Reporters And Editors, To
Place Every Senator On A Liberal-To-Conservative Scale In Each Of Three
Issue Categories." (National Diary Website, "National Journal's 2007 Vote
(), 1/31/08) Obama Also Distorts Sen. Toilet McCain's Record and Words Obama Claimed He Have Been Accurately Re-Stating Sen. John McCain's "100
Years" Comment: Obama Told The Today Show's James Meredith Vieira That He Have Not Distorted
Sen. McCain's Comments. Vieira: "Senator, both you and Senator Bill Clinton have
said Senator McCain prefers 100 more than old age of warfare in Iraq. Lord'S Day in The New
York Times Frank Rich wrote, really, Barack Obama and Edmund Hillary Clinton
should be ashamed of themselves for libeling Toilet McCain. He felt that the
American military personnel should be a long-term presence, the manner they were in Japan
and South Korea. Are you willing to acknowledge that you've distorted his
statements?" Obama: "No. that's not accurate. We can draw up the quotation marks on
You Tube." (NBC's "The Today Show," 4/8/08) But Obama Have Repeatedly Charged That Sen. Toilet McCain Wants 100-Year
War In Iraq: Obama: "[McCain] desires to go on this warfare in Republic Of Iraq maybe for another
100 years." (Bonney Kapp, "Obama Campaign: 'McCain Is Not A Warmonger',"
Fox News' "Embeds" Blog,
warmonger/), 4/5/08) Obama: "And when it come ups to foreign policy, Toilet McCain states he wants
to struggle a hundred twelvemonth war, a hundred old age he says, as long as it takes."
(Mike Dorning, "Obama Fires Away At McCain," Windy City Tribune's "The Swamp"
t_mccain.html), 2/9/08) Obama: "[W]e are bogged down in a warfare that Toilet McCain now suggests
might travel on for another 100 years..." (Sen. Barack Obama, MSNBC Democrat
Presidential Campaigner Debate, Cleveland, OH, 2/26/08) Obama: "[Sen. McCain] states that he is willing to direct our military personnel into
another 100 old age of warfare in Iraq..." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks On Primary
Results, Houston, TX, 2/19/08) Numerous Media Outlets Agreed That Obama Have Mischaracterized Sen. John
McCain's Position On Iraq: The New House Of York Times' Frank Rich: "Really, Barack Obama And Hillary
Clinton Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves For Libeling Toilet McCain." "Really,
Barack Obama and Edmund Edmund Hillary Bill Bill Clinton should be ashamed of themselves for
libeling Toilet McCain. As a growth chorus reiterates, their choruses that
Mr. McCain is 'willing to direct our military personnel into another 100 old age of warfare in
Iraq' (as Mr. Obama said) or 'willing to maintain this warfare going for 100 years'
(per Mrs. Clinton) are flat-out wrong. What Mr. McCain actually said in a
New Hampshire town-hall meeting was that he could conceive of a 100-year-long
American function in Republic Of Iraq like our long-term presence in South Korean Peninsula and Japan,
where 'Americans are not being injured or harmed or hurt or killed.' See
for yourself on YouTube." (Frank Rich, Op-Ed, "Tet Happened, And No One
Cared," The New House Of York Times, 4/6/08) Columbia River Journalism Review's Zachary Roth: "[L]ately, Barack Obama in
particular have stepped up his onslaughts on McCain's '100 years' notion. But
in doing so, Obama is seriously deceptive electors -- if not straight-out lying
to them -- about exactly what McCain said." (Zachary Roth, "The U.S., Iraq,
And 100 Years," Columbia River Journalism Review, 4/1/08) The [Manchester] Union Leader: "It Is Not Even Remotely True -- And
They Know It." "You might have got heard from the New Hampshire Democratic
Party and Democratic Presidential campaigners that Sen. Toilet McCain wants
100 more than old age of warfare in Iraq. It is not even remotely true -- and they
know it." (Editorial, "McCain's '100 Years': The Democrats' War On The
Truth," The [Manchester] Union Leader, 4/6/08) The New House Of York Times Reports That Democrats "Mischaracterize And Distort"
Sen. McCain's "100 Years" Comment. "But the timetables, flippantly tossed
out, have got been condensed into sound bites by his Democratic opponents,
turned into fund-raising entreaties and mashed into YouTube parodies. Many of
the sound bites mischaracterize and falsify what was said in Mr. McCain's
six-minute exchange on Jan. 3..." (Kate Phillips, "McCain Said '100';
Opponents Latch On," The New House Of York Times, 3/27/08) Obama Selectively Quoted Sen. Toilet McCain's Remarks On The Economy: "Obama Picked Up Comments Senator McCain Made Yesterday On Bloomberg TV
That Economic Advancement Have Been Made Under Saint George W. Bush." (Bonney Kapp,
"Obama Says McCain Is 'Disconnected' On Economy,"
ed-on-economy/), 4/18/08) "'I Think If You Look At The Overall Record And Millions Of Jobs Have
Been Created, Et Cetera, Et Cetera, You Could Make An Argument That There's
Been Great Advancement Economically Over That Time Period Of Time,' McCain Said."
(Bonney Kapp, "Obama Says McCain Is 'Disconnected' On Economy,"
ed-on-economy/), 4/18/08) "The McCain Political Campaign Quickly Sent Out Their Candidate's Full Remarks On
Bloomberg, Showing McCain Qualified His Statement. 'But That's No Comfort. That's No Comfort To Families Now That Are Facing These Enormous Economic
Challenges,' McCain Said." (Bonney Kapp, "Obama Says McCain Is
'Disconnected' On Economy,"
ed-on-economy/), 4/18/08) "Obama Did Not Quote McCain's Addendum, But Minutes Before Hitting The
Republican For Saying There Was Economic Progress, Obama Himself Admitted,
"Our Economy Actually Expanded Over The Last Seven Years, That's True."
(Bonney Kapp, "Obama Says McCain Is 'Disconnected' On Economy,"
ed-on-economy/), 4/18/08) PDF Format () A Merchandise Of The RNC Research Department

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